MSB-400 火箭蓄電池 韓國ROCKET電池 2V400AH 價格優惠
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詳細介紹 MSB-300 火箭蓄電池 韓國ROCKET電池 2V300AH 價格優惠 火箭蓄電池產品特性: 1、 免、維護簡單 采用設計克服了電池在充電過程中電解失水的現象,電池在使用過程中電液體積和比重幾乎沒有變化,因此電池在使用壽命期間完全無需,維護簡單。 2、 密封安全、安裝簡單 電池內沒有流動的電液,電池立式、側臥安裝使用均可,無電液滲漏之患,而且在正常充電過程中電池不會產生酸霧。因此可將電池安裝在辦公室或配套設備房內,而無需另建電池房,降低工程造價。 3、 使用壽命長 采用了耐腐性良好的鉛鈣合金板柵,在25℃的環境溫度下,正常浮充壽命可達10年以上。 4、 高功率放電性能好 采用了內阻值很小的極板和玻纖隔板,而且裝配較緊,使得電池內阻極小。在-40℃~60℃溫度范圍內進行大電流放電,其輸出功率比常規電池可高出15左右。 5、 安裝使用方便 ESG Battery Features1) No More Water Refilling/Maintenance The ESG is maintenance-free Gas generated internally during charging is absorbed into the pole plate with no electrolyte production. The ESG does not require maintenance or refilling with purified water 2) No leakage A special separator is impregnated into the electrolyte, extending service life without seepage. 3) Safety valve for increased reliabilty The safety valve acts as a safeguard against gas generated from overcharging or incorrect charging. 4) Self-discharge Only selected materials such as a special lead, calcium alloy circuit board and highly purified electrolyte have been used to ensure minimum self-discharge enabling extended storage. 5) Long, economical service life This special separator used in the ESG battery impregnates electrolytes and suppresses positively charged particles, ensuring steady as well as economical performance. Design life at 20℃ : 10 years 6) Excellent Recovery following Heavy Dischage Extended load and heavy discharge can be harmful to lead-acid batteries. However, the ESG maintanins excellent performance even after heavy use. SpecificationModelNormal Voltage (V)Hourly capacity(AH)Dimensions(mm)Weight (kg)10HR 1.80 (V/Cell)5HR 1.75 (V/Cell)3HR 1.70 (V/Cell)1HR 1.60 (V/Cell)0.5HR 1.60 (V/Cell)Length (L) (±2)Width (W)(±2)Height (H) (±3)Total Height (TH) (±5) 相關分類 |
產品分類 信息搜索 北京獅克電源科技有限公司-美國邱健蓄電池