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詳細介紹 Since its inception, LONG battery ongoing commitment to enhance the quality , because we believe that only a stable quality side is the company subsisting chess stone. Since 1991, United States UL product safety certification beginning, we continue to obtain ISO 9002 certification in 1994 and 1996 to obtain 10 kinds of specifications of the German VdS safety certification, 1999 ISO 14001 certification in 2000 ISO 9001 certification in 2002, OHSAS 18001 certification, and obtaining TL9000 certification in 2008 . Marelli Motori S.p.Ahas a tradition dating back to 1891 when Ercole Marelli founded the Company. With over 100 years of manufacturing excellence and experience, Marelli Motori is recognised as a leading supplier to the Power Generation, Industrial, Petrochemical and Marine Industries sectors offering a complete range of Low, Medium and High Voltage Motors and Generators. These quality products are backed up by an organisation of skilled people providing sales, service and technical support to the high standards demanded by our customers. · Low, Medium and High Voltage Synchronous Generators · Low, Medium and High Voltage Asynchronous Generators · Generators for Hydropower, UPS, Cogeneration, Industrial applications · Low, Medium and High Voltage Asynchronous Motors · Low and Medium Voltage Hazardous Area Motors (IP55, IP56, IP65) Each of these products are available in different types and power ranges up to 4.000 kW for Motors and 8.000 kVA for Generators. Low, Medium and High Voltage Synchronous Generators Each of these products are available in different types and power ranges up to 4.000 kW for Motors and 8.000 kVA for Generators. 光—熱—電轉換 (1) 光—熱—電轉換方式通過利用太陽輻射產生的熱能發電,一般是由太陽能集熱器將所吸收的熱能轉換成工質的蒸氣,再驅動汽輪機發電。前一個過程是光—熱轉換過程;后一個過程是熱—電轉換過程,與普通的火力發電一樣。太陽能熱發電的缺點是效率很低而成本很,估計它的***至少要比普通火電站貴5~10倍。一座1000MW的太陽能熱電站需要***20~25億美元,平均1kW的***為2000~2500美元。因此,只能小規模地應用于特殊的場合,而大規模利用在經濟上很不合算,還不能與普通的火電站或***站相競爭。 光—電直接轉換 太陽能電池發電是根據特定材料的光電性質制成的。黑體(如太陽)輻射出不同波長(對應于不同頻率)的電磁波, 如紅外線、紫外線、可見光等等。當這些射線照射在不同導體或半導體上,光子與導體或半導體中的自由電子作用產生電流。射線的波長越短,頻率越,所具有的能量就越,例如紫外線所具有的能量要遠遠于紅外線。但是并非所有波長的射線的能量都能轉化為電能,值得注意的是光電效應于射線的強度大小無關,只有頻率達到或超越可產生光電效應的閾值時,電流才能產生。能夠使半導體產生光電效應的光的大波長同該半導體的禁帶寬度相關,譬如晶體硅的禁帶寬度在室溫下約為1.155eV,因此必須波長小于1100nm的光線才可以使晶體硅產生光電效應。 太陽電池發電是一種可再生的環保發電方式,發電過程中不會產生二氧化碳等溫室氣體,不會對環境造成污染。按照制作材料分為硅基半導體電池、CdTe薄膜電池、CIGS薄膜電池、染料敏化薄膜電池、有機材料電池等。其中硅電池又分為單晶電池、多晶電池和無定形硅薄膜電池等。對于太陽電池來說重要的參數是轉換效率,在實驗室所研發的硅基太陽能電池中,單晶硅電池效率為25.0%,多晶硅電池效率為20.4%,CIGS薄膜電池效率達19.6%,CdTe薄膜電池效率達16.7%,非晶硅(無定形硅)薄膜電池的效率為10.1% 相關分類 |
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