發布日期 :2024-12-03 12:43發布IP:編號:13416675
詳細介紹 使用和維護 Our innovative developments from the rich experience and energy , LONG battery has a competitive advantage complete product line breadth and flexibility of manufacturing technology , has so far developed more than 400 kinds of cells in different pur***es , and continues to develop electric cars , solar and wind power and other renewable energy use battery. For product innovation and development endless pursuit and attitude , LONG battery after another since 1993, in collaboration with ITRI material sealed deep discharge battery , motor vehicle batteries and the development of high-power batteries are modified , and the introduction of new multi- technology , a lot more investment in advanced equipment to demonstrate to our customers with the times ; faith and commitment for sustainable development . 北京獅克電源科技有限公司為Legacy Battery Manufacturing 公司分支機構,全權負責市場的運作和管理。Legacy Battery Manufacturing 公司是享譽世界的電池制造公司。這家創立于英國工業重鎮伯明翰的老牌電池公司始建于1921年,迄今為止已經生產了上千種各種類型各種型號的鉛酸蓄電池、電池組配件以及各種電線電纜產品。 相關分類 |
產品分類 信息搜索 北京獅克電源科技有限公司-美國邱健蓄電池